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Walter Veith & Martin Smith - To Vax Or Not TO Vax? What's Up, Prof? 46

ADAfrica - 27,607 Views
Published on 18 Jan 2021 / In

In Episode 46 we discuss the extremely hot topic of vaccinations. Are there perhaps deeper implications than to merely vax or not? Should anyone be allowed to dictate your choice?

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BillyC69 3 years ago

So, percent of CCP virus deaths are 3% for mostly comorbidity people and the CCP virus vaccine percent of injury including death is also 3% for people with or without comorbidity.
Now that we know that ivermectin and other medications will cure one of the CCP virus infection why would one take the risk of injecting a gene altering substance that uses monkey cells which God said was unclean,” touch Not the unclean thing” ? Revelation warns of drinking the “wine of Babylon” and those deceived by her sorceries aka pharmacia aka drugs. Is taking this CCP virus vaccine then drinking the wine of Babylon and thus being deceived ? My body my choice ! Amen

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5GKills-NotCovid 3 years ago

Finally, to provide at least one solution:

STEP 1) do not refuse a vaccine. otherwise you will be considered belligerent. instead, you can politely refuse the service, doing the following.
STEP 2) ask the doctor ′′ does the vaccine contain MRC-5?" (all of them have) these are aborted fetal cells and other DNA. If the vaccine contains MRC-5, you have the RIGHT to refuse it.
STEP 3) also ask ′′ is there a possibility of a LATROGENIC REACTION? (Latrogenic compounds or drugs that interact with each other) in the vaccine (all of them have). When the doctor says ′′ yes", that's the way out without taking the vaccine.
* Keep in mind that the doctor took the Hippocratic Oath (which is to do no harm) and must comply with it.
This is how we can LEGALLY (AND RESPECTFULLY) refuse the services offered and there is absolutely nothing they can do about it. Now you know.

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5GKills-NotCovid 3 years ago

This is also related:

- The COVID-19 Test (RT PCR test) (reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction). Invented by the American bio-chemist Kary Mullis in 1984. This test does NOT test for a virus. It tests for genetic material only. Genetic material is found inside every living human being. RT PCR takes genetic material and amplifies it, makes it larger. If I test myself with the RT PCR and put the settings to say 30/35 cycles of amplification, I will test negative. But if I test myself again at say 60/65 cycles of amplification, then I will test positive and so will everyone else. It is because, now, I have brought so much genetic material to the forefront, it will detect it all.

- This is how the scam works. The cycle of amplification dictates the number of positive test results you get. It is important to note the inventor of this test, Kary Mullis, stated his test 'cannot' be used to diagnose infectious diseases at all. He died last year at the age of 74 and was well aware that the powers that be wanted to use his test to test for Covid-19.

He was adamantly opposed to his test being used for Covid-19 right up to the point of his death. He stated that you can’t get any kind of accurate result. In fact, the author of the test is quoted to say: “It’s as good as that Scientology test that detects your personality and then tells you, you need to give all your money to Scientology.

- Viruses and diseases do not exist. They were both created by the pharmaceutical industry who uses the flawed germ theory to sell medicines and vaccines to the populous for monetary gain and population control. If the germ theory was correct, there wouldn't be a human alive today to tell the story. Germs, bacteria, fungus, pathogens, and even ‘viruses’ (which are not ‘viruses’ but protein based Exosomes within our RNA) are everywhere. Life is made up of these things. Our bodies are made up of these things. So-called ‘diseases’ are purely symptoms of an underlying toxicity within the cells. So-called ‘viruses’ are manufactured within our own bodies as a protection mechanism against over toxicity.

When we are overly toxic, our body creates a natural detoxification process called a ‘flu’, a ‘cold’ or ‘pneumonia’ to rid the body of these deadly toxins. With that being said, ‘viruses’ ARE NOT CONTAGIOUS in any way or form. The only way you can 'catch a virus’ is to be injected with one via a vaccine. The bottom line is to please pray about getting off the poisonous medications from big pharma. They are NOT helping you or curing you whatsoever. Every time you take a pain shuts down your immune system for 3 days. Most prescription drugs say take every day. (think about that for a minute). The Medical world has been a huge lie from its inception. They fooled everyone (including some doctors) into believing this is the way it is. They taught their lies in Medical School from day one. They indoctrinated the teachers, students, and the entire world’s population to believe their lies and most actually fell for this. It's not your were duped.

- The easiest way to convince a society to destroy by making them want to participate in the insanity and actually think it’s moral.

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5GKills-NotCovid 3 years ago

Supposedly, 5G is the same technology as is in the ADS crowd control system millimeter wave cannon.

Apparently some bigwig US officials recently got zapped by microwave energy and it made them sick.:

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5GKills-NotCovid 3 years ago

- Claire Edwards, ex UN technology editor is on board with the idea.
- Lloyd Burell is on board with the idea that 5G is dangerous, but no mention of Covid 19:
- 5G deadly. Does not mention corona. Reuters correspondent Michele Greenstein live on 'News with Rick Sanchez'.:
- 5G deadly. Does not mention corona. Dr. Sharon Goldberg at the Michigan House Energy Policy Committee
- Dr. David Carpenter - Says 5G has not been tested. It is going to massively increase exposure because of internet of things which will be a dangerous setup.

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